Tools I use lately
It is used for the design of interfaces, mobile applications, logos, graphics, etc. Sketch is one of the standard tools that is most requested in the use of mobile and web application design.
It is the industry standard software for creating vector graphics, logos, icons, drawings, fonts and complex illustrations for print, web, mobile devices, etc.
It is a powerful editor mainly used to create and enhance photos and graphics. It also has an engine to save everything you generate with the highest quality but with the minimum weight, to be able to use it on websites.
In addition to a video editing tool, After Effects, thanks to the bodymovin plugin, allows you to export animations as code to be used on websites and devices with infinite possibilities.
Adobe Premiere is a video editing and post-production software developed by Adobe for video editing. It allows you to create professional quality videos.
Code editor for Windows, Linux and macOS. Includes support for debugging, integrated Git control, syntax highlighting, snippets, and code refactoring. It is also customizable.
It is the fifth major revision of the basic language of the World Wide Web, HTML. It is not a programming language, but it is a standard used to define the structure and content of a Web page.
Since CSS3, the scope of the specifications has increased significantly and the progress of the different CSS modules has improved a lot. It is a markup language used to format a website.
Helps to automate common tasks in the development of an application, such as moving files from one folder to another, deleting them, minifying code, synchronizing the browser when you modify your code, etc ...
Open source, cross-platform runtime environment based on the JavaScript programming language, asynchronous, with data I / O in an event-driven architecture and based on Google's V8 engine.
Create a communication channel between the folders of our project and the browser to observe the changes in the files. When a modification is detected, an event is sent that reloads the browser automatically.
Allows to automatically generate style sheets, adding features that CSS does not have, and that are typical of programming languages, such as variables, functions, etc ...
JavaScript is a powerful programming or scripting language that allows you to implement complex functions in web pages to create everything you need.
Angular is a framework for building client-side single-page applications using HTML and TypeScript. It implements basic and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your applications.
Lume is a fast and flexible static site builder for Deno. Forget about managing thousands of packages in node_modules. Just install what you need. It helped me to rebuild my website in an easy and safe way.
WordPress is a free content management software, also called CMS (Content Management System), designed to easily create and maintain a Blog, a Website or an Online Store.
PrestaShop is an open source software designed to build online stores. It allows small and large companies to create and manage an online store and can also be complemented with free themes and modules.
Powerful asynchronous templating engine that has been inspired by jinja2. It is fast and lightweight so that it optimizes the performance of templates in web browsers.
MJML (MailJet Markup Language) is a framework for responsive email layout. Based on a tag language designed to solve the problem of designing emails adapted to any device.
Lottie is a library capable of reproducing animations created with after effects. It facilitates the development and implementation of animations for different platforms, scalable and easy to adapt to any device.
Git-based collaborative software development and version control web service. In addition to a repository manager, the service also offers wiki hosting and a bug tracking system.
A complete virtual studio for creating music. A multitrack recording system that includes all kinds of effects, instruments, sounds and creative tools. Everything you need to record or generate any type of music.